Article:-Cargo Moves to Stop Former Sales Exec’s $40 Million Payout in Gender Discrimination Case

Michael'sMCSI Foster'sMCSI 7:47 AM (4 hours ago) cleardot
Seth Rafkin EsQ is the Fixer in "Tom Gildred and Wife hush affair". Gildred@...

Michael'sMCSI Foster'sMCSI <>

9:37 AM (3 hours ago) cleardot cleardot cleardot
to majonesjohnkathryn.a.meyerjbaschAttorneyRegula.jmaarPaul MoyerGordon, bcc: Jennifer bogue, bcc: hans.mahr, bcc: cmaier, bcc: shaholli.sarah, bcc: lisamajure, bcc: jmeyer, bcc: meyer, bcc: dmeyer, bcc: richard, bcc: eddie, bcc: wcmayer, bcc: jammers, bcc: gemarr59, bcc: del mar, bcc: Paul Moyer, bcc: Michael, bcc: mm cleardot
Seth Rafkin EsQ is the Fixer in "Tom Gildred and Wife hush affair". at near death escape of random "Fix_IT" hit in NY.  2,867 miles from the allege "Fix_IT" innocuous Conman Tom Gildred investigators are Lifting the vale of Pay-Per Written Articles along with Jennifer Bogue of rafkin are the (apt.) a-comatose fixtures in preemptive highly structured and well organized "Fix_IT" campaigns. Seth: No questions ask. Done! Don't want to go to court? Done! 
Person/s on "Fix_IT" hit lists in another state, county or even Country? Done. custom-jumplist invitees_guests-members.html
Says close friend of the "Fix_IT" legal couple practicing in CA, NY, NJ & DC ...real lawyers do not case argue or require clients to go to court anymore., and, ...its easier to pay off a homeless man to pay off a homeless man to pay off a hit man acting as a homeless punk in the "Becky Grieco Mele - Son's <+e Murder after being fatally stabbed in the neck while seated at a restaurant with his daughter on his lap, by a homeless man paid off by a homeless paid off by another homeless by an out of town actor hit man homeless guy".
Police have no suspects except to now monitor what victims computer is now revealing a foot-print course to discovery of rivals to his Intellectual Property (rivals to Intellectual Real Estate Property today are not just merely as simple as a Microsoft's Bill Gates vs. Apple's Steve Jobs type anymore). FBI intact have launch a special case IT to thwart "Fix_IT" campaigns.  
Lawyers Jennifer Bogue and Seth Rafkin could not be reached for comments to date of this articles record.
report; MCSI Intelligent Security i.e.:_
MCSI does Intellectual Forensics on various news articles.
Article:-Kargo Moves to Stop Former Sales Exec’s $40 Million Payout in Gender Discrimination Case